Employment & Community Inclusion Program at NCIA’s Career Development Center
The NCIA Employment and Community Inclusion Program provides community, facility-based, and virtual programming for adults, age 18 and over, with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Programming is individualized to reflect each person’s preferences and goals, as specified in their Person Centered Plan (PCP). NCIA adheres to a person-centered approach, promoting job exploration, positive growth, connection, meaningful activities, and socially valued roles.
People can choose from an array of programming, including job development and employment training, career discovery, volunteerism, recreational activities, and community engagement. Activities focus on skill building in the areas of socialization, communication, life skills, math and reading, self-care, self-advocacy, problem-solving, community access and safety skills, and health and wellness training.
“I enjoy giving back to my community” -Weekly Community Volunteer
“Making an impact in our community”
“Brand New Program Model”
Support our Day Program by purchasing items needed, now that the center is reopened!