Our Mission

“Empowering people with limited access to opportunities to build fulfilling lives and stronger communities through unconditional support.”

NCIA’s Vision

NCIA has empowered people to take control of their lives and provided opportunities for a better future by addressing social determinants of health and self-sufficiency, so people are thriving in their community.

NCIA’s Guiding Principles 

Promote Independence: We believe in promoting independence among the people and communities we serve. This means empowering people we support to take control of their own lives and make their own decisions while providing the resources and support necessary to achieve their goals. We believe that promoting independence leads to greater self-determination and ultimately improves the overall well-being of people and communities.

Financial Stability: We believe in being responsible and accountable stewards of the resources entrusted to us by our funders, donors, and supporters. We are committed to using our resources in the most efficient and impactful way possible to maximize the benefit to the people and communities we serve. We believe that financial stability allows us to provide sustainable support and resources over the long term.

Equity: Our focus is supporting under-resourced/historically marginalized populations in underserved communities. These populations include but are not limited to persons with disabilities, persons who have been institutionalized, and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality.

Compassion Without Limits: We believe in supporting people in our community who are facing complex and challenging circumstances and who have been overlooked and rejected by others. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to live a fulfilling and independent life, regardless of their circumstances or challenges.

Our core belief is that no one should be turned away from receiving the support they need, no matter how complex or challenging their situation may be. We know people have been marginalized by society, and we are dedicated to helping them gain their independence and live in the least restrictive environment possible.

At the heart of our approach is a deep sense of compassion and empathy for the people we support. We believe in treating each person with dignity and respect, and we strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers all people to achieve their goals and live their best possible life.

We recognize that our work is not easy and that supporting people with complex needs can be challenging. However, we are committed to staying true to our guiding principle of “compassion without limits,” and we believe that by working together with the people we support, their families, and our community partners, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we support.



We cannot help adults with disabilities expand their experiences, youth with disabilities exceed their potential, and returning citizens and SNAP recipients excel in their lives without you! Your donations help fund the critical programs that enable participants to flourish, embrace their independence, and build an even stronger community.

We are grateful for the support that our NCIA family has provided over the years, and we look forward to continuing to provide these life-bettering—and life-changing services—to our recipients.

We welcome your donations and thank you sincerely for your heartfelt help and support. Your gifts make a real difference in real lives every time. Thank you.