Person Centered Opportunity at NCIA
NCIA annually provides employment to over 60 individuals with a developmental disability. People gain employment in competitive integrated settings in independent placements or on a work crew. NCIA provides jobs ongoing and/or drop-in job coaching.
Established process and procedures include the areas of:
Financial Practices: Including payroll; insurance; budgets; reporting; regulations and contract clauses; vendor payables; and customer receipts.
On-Site Project Management: Including coordination with all contract, federal, state, and local authorities; quality control; inspecting; safety; supervision; and scheduling.
Workforce Development: The ability to provide adequate numbers of carefully screened, trained and qualified productive workers to carry out well defined tasks at the required times and frequencies in well-defined designated areas. All assigned personnel will be neatly uniformed and required to perform in a workmanlike, courteous manner.
Procurement: Expertise to obtain and maintain all the required and necessary equipment for the successful completion of tasks within the scope of work, including equipment, vehicles, materials, supplies, parts and chemicals.
Our Employment and Community Inclusion Program matches the employment seeker with a job developer to help determine employment goals. We help people explore a full range of employment options while considering each person’s unique talents, strengths, skills, and interests. We also partner with the Division of Rehabilitation Services to provide job development and job coaching.
Programs range from job development and employment training to career discovery, volunteerism, recreational activities, and community engagement. Our programs also focus on everyday life skills such as socialization and soft skills, communication, life-skills, math and reading, self-care, self-advocacy, problem-solving, community access and safety skills, and health and wellness training.
“I love my job! My favorite part of working is during the summer when we get to work outdoors.” -I95 Crew Member
“NCIA has given me the opportunity to grow as a person through employment.”
“We appreciate the partnership with NCIA to advance employment opportunities for Marylanders with disabilities” –MD Works
“NCIA and their team have done a remarkable job at keeping our facility in pristine conditions. They do a wonderful job.” -Catonsville Courthouse Employee
Find Your Fit in the Workplace
Through NCIA’s interview process we ensure that every employee finds a job that is a fit for them.
This intake process includes:
- matching the employment seeker with a job developer
- helping determine employment goals
- assisting the individual explore a full range of employment options
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